Riley Austin Jones
I am 18 years old and have an identical twin brother Fletcher and many other siblings. Some of my hobbies include, hunting, fishing, and hiking. I enjoy playing many sports such as basketball, football, baseball, and golf.
Why did I want to become an actor?
I’ve always loved watching movies and imagining myself in the actors place and wondered what it would be like to be in those roles and in live in the actors shoes. That’s why I would love to be an actor and hopefully make an impact on someone if not the world.
Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry?
My biggest inspirations in the industry are Clint Eastwood and what I’ve always believed to be amazing and acting and directing skills in numerous works ( I especially love watching his westerns). Another one of my inspirations is a friend of mine Nick Darnell who recently started working in the industry and it’s been great getting to see his hard work pay off.
What’s Your favorite TV show?
I have to two favorite tv shoes Supernatural and Vikings. I loved the performance of Jensen Ackles as Dean in Supernatural and Travis Fimmel and Ragnar in Vikings
Who's your favorite super hero?
My all time favorite super hero since I was young and watching the reruns of the old tv show with my grandpa is Batman.