Shelby Henderson
Shelby Henderson, 11 years old, live in San Antonio, Texas. 2016 Little Miss Juneteenth, SA, 2017 March of Dimes Inc. Ambassador, 2017 March of Dimes "March for Babies" commercial, featured in San Antonio Woman's Magazine, October 2016, several appearances on KENS5 Great Day SA (local television), Grand Marshall of the 2017 March for Babies and 2018 9th Annual Barbizon Competition Monologue winner and Honorable Mention.
Why did you want to become an actor?
I like to entertain people. Making them laugh and feel amazing brings a smile to my face. Ever since I saw my first Tyler Perry movie, I have always dreamed of becoming an actor and when I found out that I had a chance to full-fill my dream, I have been so excited.
Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry?
Tyler Perry.
What's your favorite TV show?
Stranger Things.
Who's your favorite superhero?
Wonder Woman.