Bobby Burkich
A graduate of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, he has appeared in numerous independent projects including GETAWAY (2019), Golden Boy (2018) and Shared Car (2015). Bobby was born in Glens Falls, New York but moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee when he was four years old. A promising high-school football player, Bobby switched his focus to acting after being cast as the lead in his high school musical. Since then he has appeared in a number of professional stage productions both in Chattanooga and Los Angeles including Dogfight (2017), Funny Girl (2016) and Anything Goes (2017). He is a die hard New York Jets fan and never misses a game. He currently lives in North Hollywood, California
We asked Bobby a few questions so that you could get to know him better...
Why did you want to become an actor?
I actually wanted to be a football player most of my life. Not until I was asked to audition for my first musical did I get the bug. After that, I put all of my focus on singing, dancing, and acting hoping I would catch up with the rest of the kids. But still to this day, sports are my life.
Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry?
My two will always be Vince Vaughn and Matthew McConauhey. Their stories inspire me. Coming from nothing, not even knowing that this field could be an actual career, to becoming some of the top dogs in the business. They created their own work with their friends and that's the journey I want to take.
What's your favorite TV show?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Can't beat dark comedy. It's a true testament to what hard work and perseverance brings you. A show based on morally some of the worst characters ever written. The whole production team is an inspiration to me.
Who's your favorite superhero?
Barry Allen as The Flash. Strongest superhero ever created. The ability to use speed to slow down or speed up everything around him and also be able to control time. Plus the witty banter is always a plus.